Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blessing # 19...Reconnecting

I have been reconnecting with a lot of people from my past lately thanks to Face book! I have enjoyed it a lot. There are people that I didn't really know that well that have added me as a "friend"??? but there are people that I have been able to get in touch with that I have wondered about for years and have been able to reconnect with and find out some cool things about them that I would have never guessed about them. I have really loved it! I have to admit that I limit myself to checking it just a couple of times a week because I could totally get addicted to all of this. I already have my blog and I am not sure that my family and my YW would appreciate suffering from my negligence to the more important things in life. With that being said, I have this amazing friend that I had lost touch with for many years. Well, let me rephrase that...we send Christmas cards every year, but haven't spoken and haven't seen each other for YEARS!! Kathryn Weaver Tomany. I think that the last time I saw her was in Boise at her wedding reception before I even had children!! That is not ever going to happen again because reconnecting with Kathryn has been amazing!!!!! I loved her from the day that we met when I was just turning 12 and her big sis was my YW leader and Kathryn came to stay with her sister in IN for the summer... we hit it off so quick!! We had a lot in common and reading her blog has reminded me of how incredible she was then and still is! I am so grateful for her and grateful for the way that she touched my life then and now again with her sweet life experiences that she shares on her blog so many years later! My children did an exchange with their Uncle Jon this week and so I had his daughter with me and he had my boyz down in Utah and when we exchanged today in Ogden, I decided to go and see my long lost friend Kathryn. It was as if we were 16 again! She looked exactly the same (minus the poofy bangs)! Beautiful as ever inside and out. Instead of us doing flips off the diving board, talking about gymnastics, bugs in our cups at girls camp, the hippest music, the New Batman movie with Val Kilmer, and the cute boys in the FW ward, we were talking about potty training, Binky's, the loss of a beloved child and father(s), our husbands, siblings, houses, jobs, all of the grown up stuff that we could think of! It was so much fun to follow through with the "reconnecting" Thank you Kathryn!! So~Here's to reconnecting with those we have loved and who have touched our lives. With such uncertain times for all of us, isn't that what is most important? All of the people in our lives that have touched us in one way or another. What would we do without each other!!!??? Get in touch with someone you haven't talked to for a while today!!! Blessing #19...Reconnecting


Anneka said...

Facebook is great for reconnecting! By the way, LOVE the hair!! ;)

Nicole said...

Cool - I love(d)Val Kilmer too!

Zenica said...

Facebook rally is great. I have reconnected with so many old friends I love it.

Kass said...

I definitely got the better end of the deal reconnecting with you. You are incredible, fun, talented, and one of my favorite people to talk to. How did I get along without our conversations over the last several years? So many fun memories & now more to come minus the big hair! (& gymnastics sad to say.)

Meek Family said...

I love the hair, good to know I wasn't the only one. And Val Kilmer was sooooo hot in the volleyball scene in Top Gun.

Kass said...

p.s. can I steal most of this post for my blog??